Friday, June 22, 2012


This was originally meant to be a chapter break, but I realized the next set of pages will still be more of Light and Dart V Mr. Fuck // Shinji V Dread Preston Roberts // and Ada V Stacie. So I'm not going to do another chapter break till the epilogue chapter.

I'm not sure This conflict was explained coherently, so here's a play by play. Stacie's a bit self delusional/distraught about her motives, and Ada is already so confident that she knows what's going on she seems almost callously apathetic to Stacies plight, making Stacie feel vulnerable and instigated. Ada will eventually make a big Spiel about everything Stacie's been doing wrong, and then Stacie will finally regain the sense of self she lost way back when this whole mess started. , but first they have to punch each other all dramatic like.

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